Sunday, September 26, 2010

사랑 만들기

There is an event that made me happy today

The time when I met you

And the fact that I knew I had someone to love

4 minute - Making Love (사랑 만들기)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Kuliah nyatet mulu !!!
Bete dah..
Gag bisa nyantai..
Kapan nyantainya ??


Sunday, September 19, 2010


Life is a book

After reaching the end, there is no longer readable 

We can't continue to read the slide 

We finished up the last sheet 

But see, every stage in life

- go to school, get married, move to another city,

having children, traveling to new countries

is different chapters
Each chapter has a surprise, joy, and suffering
Always think like that, and always hoping for new beginnings
We can't continue the story if we do not continue reading
 Jesse Adams

love this quotes :)

got it from my church news week. .

Sunday, September 12, 2010

3 idiots

kmrn baru nonton film ' 3 idiots '

* gila, tuh film bagus banget *

2 thumbs up !!!

1. g suka banget ama alur ceritanya 

bercerita tentang 3 mahasiswa yang yang sahabatan dan saling mendukung 1 sama lain

mahasiswa teknik mesin, tapi adanya perbedaan antara mereka buat mereka jadi ngerti arti hidup

2. plus, nilai-nilai hidup yang diajarin di dalam cerita

kita diajarin untuk : 

  • memilih jalan hidup yang bener-bener kita suka, jangan ikut pilihan orang tua
  • sesama teman, kita harus membantu  
  • jangan pernah takut menghadapi hidup
  • hidup ini jangan pernah mengejar kesuksesan

kata-kata yang paling g suka adalah "all is well" punya Rancho

sama Find Your Passion And Live With It !!! 

g suka banget ama persahabatan 3 orang ini

Raju, Ranchu, Farhan

mereka saling dukung satu sama lain

adegan favorit : pas Raju patah tulang dan lumpuh, kedua temannya ini menghibur Raju gag ada habisnya, sampe dia sembuh 

bener-bener terharu T.T

pokoknya ini film Bollywood pertama yang g suka abisss...

gag nyesel nonton ini

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

edit =]


it's very a long time since I post a story =]

just want to share my edit pics

this is the first time I combine pics by photoscape

my 3 favorites Korean girl group Wonder Girls,  KARA,  and Girls Generation